
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Family ties

Family is more special than diamonds
Or the money and treasures
Families are stronger, warmer, and more comfortable
Family not sold in stores anywhere
We share a love of family
They are caring people who always
near you
Every day, from morning till night
Your family will always be with you


In a world that is always changing every day
People always judge the actions and my words
I remember the barbie dolls and the days of playing in the park
When I do not care about their assessment

But I wassurprised to to see in the mirror
Someone who is completely different looks into my eyes
I saw a small child cool when the age of four and five-year
Has now become a preteen who are surviving

That's Life

One haircut or a miserable love life
Someone said there was gum stuck in his pants
Want to be getting younger sister boys smell
Your mother taught in your class Life Skills
Slipped, fell and tore your jeans
Then your sister disrupt your plans

Sometimes life gives full days of laughter
And sometimes we find disaster
All that happened was not part of the plan
But we must face it with open arms
What will happen tomorrow is not to be disclosed
But that's what makes everything fun

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Meaning of Friendship

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle
where we have to guess ......
all steps which appear black or white
sometimes when we're happy once

Who continue to flow like water
regardless .......
that tomorrow there will be a distinguished look forward sadness
on time and with any circumstances

I can feel the meaning of friendship
yes ....... that's the whole, my friend, my friend ...
my friend who always makes me
forget the sorrow and re-stepping with cheerful ....

I lift my face ......
I throw my pain .....
lightened my pace ....
I swing my hands ......

One thing I'll remember forever
One friend is better than nothing
Because he is able to provide grip
At the moment we stumbled and fell
He jg able to make us smile back in jokes laugh ...


And a teenager said,
Speak to us of Friendship.
And he answered:
Friends of the purposes of the soul, which must be met.
He was the heart field,
that you sprinkle with love and you reap with gratitude.
And he's also the shade and pendianganmu.
Kerana to him when you forget the heart and soul mahu look at peace.

When he spoke, expressing his thoughts,
you're not afraid to whisper the word no
in your heart alone, Nor do you hide the word Yes.

And when he was still, your heart stops from hearing his heart;
kerana without expression of words, in friendship,
all thoughts, desires and wishes were born together and dikongsi,
with no terkirakan excitement.

At the time parting with friends, there is no you mourn;

Kerana you love most in him,
you may seem more obvious in its absence,
like a mountain for a climber,
appears to be more glorious than the soil canyon terrain.

And no other purpose than to enrich the spirit of mutual friendship except psychiatric.

Kerana love looking for something beyond the reach of the mystery,
is not love,
but a mesh of scattered: only catch is not expected.

And offer the most beautiful for your friend.
If he must know surutmu season, let him also recognize pasangmu season.
What the hell sentiasa friend that if you seek it, to simply together in killing time?

Look for it to turn on the time together!
Kerana was he who could fill the shortcomings, not to fill emptiness.
And in the sweetness of friendship,
let there berkongsi laughter and joy ..
Because of the small bead of dew in the morning,
human heart to see the dawn and fresh ghairah life.

What a friendship poem that sounds full meaning of life that will never dry because the trust will be watered by a fellow friend who is so embedded in the liver.

If you want to make a poem of friendship, so actually there is no standard provisions that limit it. You can freely pour your heart's content. The location of the poem's success is of course when it can be enjoyed by many people, will the depth of the meaning of friendship contained therein.

Justin Bieber: Down To Earth Lyrics

ohhh, ohhh, oh
Je n'ai jamais pensé que ça serait facile,
Parce que nous sommes à la fois si loin maintenant,
Et les murs se referment sur nous et nous nous demandons comment,
Personne n'a une réponse solide,
Mais la marche dans l'obscurité,
Et vous pouvez voir le regard sur mon visage, ça me déchire.

Donc, nous nous battons, (si nous nous battons)
Grâce à la douleur, (à travers le mal)
Et nous pleurer et pleurer et pleurer et pleurer,
Et nous vivons, (et nous vivons)
Et nous apprenons, (et nous apprendre)
Et nous essayer et essayer et essayer et essayer!

Alors à vous de jouer, (oh)
Et son à moi, (ouais)
et nous nous rencontrons au milieu, sur le chemin du retour vers la terre,
Terre à terre, terre à terre, les pieds sur terre
Sur le chemin du retour vers la terre,
Retour sur terre x8

Maman, tu as toujours été quelque part,
Et papa, je vis hors de la ville,
Alors dis moi comment pourrais-je jamais, normal en quelque sorte?
Vous me dites que c'est pour le mieux,
Alors dis-moi pourquoi je suis en larmes?
(Woo) si loin et maintenant je viens vous avez besoin ici,

Donc, nous nous battons, (si nous nous battons)
Grâce à la douleur, (à travers le mal)
Et nous pleurer et pleurer et pleurer et pleurer,
Et nous vivons, (et nous vivons)

Et nous apprenons, (et nous apprendre)
Et nous essayer et essayer et essayer et essayer

Alors à vous de jouer,
Et son à moi,
Et nous nous retrouvons au milieu, sur le chemin du retour vers la terre,
Terre à terre x3

Sur le chemin du retour vers la terre, (sur le chemin du retour vers la terre)
Retour sur terre x8

Je me sentais si loin,
De là où nous l'habitude d'être,
Et maintenant nous sommes debout,
Et où allons-nous,
quand il n'y a pas de route (pas de route)
pour accéder à votre cœur?
Permet de recommencer!

C'est donc à vous,
Et c'est à moi,
Et nous nous retrouvons au milieu, sur le chemin du retour vers la terre,
Terre à terre, (sur terre)
Terre à terre,
Sur le chemin du retour vers la terre,

Je n'ai jamais pensé que ça serait facile,
Parce que nous sommes à la fois si loin maintenant,
Et les murs se referment sur nous et nous nous demandons comment?













fakte Bieber

1.justin herë i tha një tifoz "tuaj sexy". pastaj tifoz i lumtur pastaj qau dhe fashitur gati
2.justin ka mbi 30 kapele.
3. justin vjen off fortë dhe të sigurt rreth vajzave, por brenda ai nervor e tij dhe i trembur
4. justin tha se në qoftë se ai mund të jetë çdo kafshë, ai do të jetë një Liger
5. justin mendon se një njeri i vërtetë do të tregojë vajzë që ai e donte çdo ditë, jo vetëm në ditën e Shën Valentinit.
6. justins Madhësia hat është një 7 dhe një të katërtën.
7. justin blushes kur një vajzë e bukur buzëqesh në të.
8. justin beson në marrëdhënie të gjatë të qëndrueshme, por nuk e distancave të gjata.
9. justin tha: "Unë mendoj se unë mund të rritet si një artist, dhe tifozët e mi do të rritet ith mua"
10.justin dedikuar "mbërthyer në këtë moment" të një tifoz.
11. kur njerëzit pyesin justin se si ai shkatërroi këmbë, justin thotë se ai ishte në një safari në Afrikë dhe një orangutang sulmuan atë.
12. djem adoleshente vërtetë janë duke paguar një shumë parash, deri në $ 150, për të marrë hairstyle bieber-së.
13. justin do Pashkëve, sepse ai mund të kaloni pak kohë me familjen e tij.
14. Justin u paguar 400.000 $ për albumin e tij të parë.
15. justin dikur ishte në dentist dhe dentisti teshtiu, kështu që pak justin dorën e tij.
16. justin ka të rruhem sqetullat e tij, nëna e tij e bën atë.
17. kur tweets justin nga Echofon, ai është në iPhone tij.
18. kur tweets justin nga UberTwitter, ai është në Blackberry tij.
19. justin angazhuar një trajner personal për të ndihmuar pjesa më e madhe justin trupin e tij.
20. justin kohët e fundit dha në fushë e parë në lojë White Sox.
21. justin pretendon se ai është një djalë i mirë dhe arrin të tifozëve të tij sa më shumë që të jetë e mundur.
22. kur justin thotë stupid diçka, shokët e tij mu në atë pjesën e prapme të kokës. ajo ndihmon atë të kuptojë se ai është ende normal.
23. justin është ende e miq të mirë me vajzën që ai kërcenin me të dhe e puthi në Bahama-së.
24. justin fiton një mesatare prej 11.000 pasuesit një ditë. rreth 2-4 pasuesit për sekondë.
25. mom Justins tha se justin ishte një fëmijë ulëritës dhe të egra.
26. justin do kujtuar tifozët e tij se sa ata do të thotë të tij dhe se si të veçantë me të vërtetë janë.
27. justin merr që i ka zënë makina, kur ai është në makinë për një kohë të gjatë.
28. justin dëgjon të gjitha të muzikës së tij në albumet e tij për të kujtoj veten se si tani ai ka ardhur.
29.justins albumin tim botë u platin vetëm 3 muaj pasi ai u lirua.
30. justin mori shtrydhje e tij të parë në një dyqan bizhuterish.
31. justin urren vezë.
32. justin pëlqen vajzat me flokë të errët dhe sytë e errët.
33. justin gjithashtu i është përgjigjur 'DREJTË Damn' kur dikush tweeted atë në lidhje me fansat e tij të mahnitshme dhe më mbështetëse.
34. justin një herë tha: "E SHENJTË CRAAAP!" në lidhje me atë që një TT për herë të parë.
35. justin nuk ka marrë ndonjë mësim të kënduarit para se famën e tij, por tani ai ka për të, kështu që ai mund të merrni më të mirë në të kënduarit
36. justin dëshiron ka pasur një "ndjekin të gjithë 'button kështu që ai të mund të ndjekin të gjithë fansat e tij.
37. Justin pëlqen vajzat që janë të bindur në lidhje me duket e tyre dhe të trupit dhe nuk kujdeset se çfarë dikush tjetër mendon.
38. : Justin shpreson të takohet 'një' gjatë turneut të tij veror nga takimi me një bandë e vajzave të ndryshme.
39. për People Magazine, justin u emërua një nga njerëzit më të njerëz të bukur.
40. justin dhe jasemini Villegas u panë të ulur së bashku në të OAK-së dhe kishte një bisedë të thellë backstage vetëm.
41. njerëz të vërtetë mistaked dashurën Scooter për justins të dashurën, ashtu siç shihen në koncertin e Black Eyed Peas
42. justins biçikletë është ngjyrë vjollcë.
43. Justin u rrit, ai tani është 5'5:)
44. Tayor shpejtë është mbrojtëse mbi justin.
45. Justin kujdeset për të gjithë fansat e tij, madje edhe ato të tij më të vogël
46. justins buzëqeshje të madhe do të thotë ai që ka një kohë të mirë dhe është i kënaqur me njerëzit rreth tij.
47. justins mbyllur gojën grin do të thotë se ai është duke u përpjekur të jenë të bukur për njerëzit rreth tij, edhe pse ai ka një shumë në mendjen e tij.
48. kur justin ka një buzëqeshje gjysmë, kjo do të thotë se ai dëshiron të marrë të dini ju më mirë.
49. Selena ka një dëshirë e fortë për justin. justin mendon se ajo e bukur, por ata janë miq të vetëm të mira.
50. justin do erë të pizza, kjo është arsyeja pse ai erë të tij përpara se të hahet atë.

Bieber feite

1.justin keer vertel 'n fan "van jou sexy". dan moet die fan daarna gelukkig het uitgeroep en byna flou geword
2.justin het meer as 30 regeer.
3. justin kom uit sterk en vol vertroue rondom meisies, maar binne hy sy senuwee-en skaam
4. justin gesê as hy enige dier kon wees, het hy 'n Liger sou wees
5. justin dink dat 'n ware man sou die meisie wat hy is lief vir elke dag, nie net op Valentynsdag dag wys.
6. Justins hoed grootte is 'n 7 en' n kwart.
7. justin bloos wanneer 'n oulike meisie glimlag by hom.
8. justin nie glo in 'n blywende verhouding, maar nie lang-afstand.
9. justin gesê: "Ek dink ek kan groei as 'n kunstenaar, en my fans sal groei et my"
10.justin dedicated "vas in die oomblik" om 'n fan.
11. Wanneer mense vra hoe hy gebreek justin aan voet, justin sê hy was op 'n safari in Afrika en' n oerangoetang hom aangeval het.
12. tienerseuns is eintlik betaling van 'n klomp geld, tot en met $ 150, Bieber se haarstyl te kry.
13. justin lief Easter, want hy kan enige tyd saam met sy gesin spandeer.
14. Justin het betaal $ 400,000 vir sy eerste album.
15. keer justin was by die tandarts en die tandarts versmaai, so justin bietjie sy hand.
16. justin het sy oksels te skeer, het sy ma maak hom.
17. wanneer justin tweets van TweetDeck, hy is op sy iPhone.
18. wanneer justin tweets van UberTwitter, hy is op sy Blackberry.
19. justin gehuur om 'n persoonlike afrigter te justin grootmaat help om sy liggaam.
20. justin het onlangs die eerste plek by die Wit Sox spel.
21. justin beweer dat hy 'n goeie man en reik uit na sy ondersteuners so veel as moontlik.
22. wanneer justin sê iets dom, sy vriende klap hom in die agterkant van die kop. dit help hom laat besef hy is nog normaal.
23. justin is nog steeds goeie vriende met die meisie wat hy het gedans met en soen in die Bahamas.
24. justin winste 'n gemiddeld van 11.000 volgelinge' n dag. Ongeveer 2-4 volgelinge per sekonde.
25. Justins ma gesê dat justin was 'n skree en wild baba.
26. justin lief herinner sy aanhangers hoeveel dit beteken om vir hom en hoe spesiaal hulle werklik is.
27. justin kry carsick wanneer hy in die motor vir 'n lang tyd.
28. justin luister na al sy musiek op sy albums om homself te herinner aan hoe ver hy het gekom.
29.justins my wêreld album het platinum net 3 maande nadat dit vrygestel is.
30. justin het sy eerste geliefdes na 'n juwelier.
31. justin haat eiers.
32. justin hou van meisies met donker hare en donker oë.
33. justin ook geantwoord: "DAMN STRAIGHT 'wanneer iemand tweeted hom oor sy ondersteuners wat amazing en die mees ondersteunend.
34. justin keer gesê: "HEILIGE CRAAAP!" omtrent hom 'n TT vir die eerste keer.
35. justin het nog geen sanglesse voor sy roem, maar nou is hy te, sodat hy kan dit beter te sing
36. justin wil daar was 'n "volg al' knoppie, sodat hy kon volg al van sy aanhangers.
37. Justin hou van meisies wat vol vertroue oor hul voorkoms en liggaam en gee nie om wat enigiemand anders dink.
38. : Justin hoop om te voldoen aan 'die een' tydens sy somer toer deur die vergadering 'n klomp verskillende meisies.
39. vir People Magazine, was justin genoem as een van die wêreld se mees wonderlike mense.
40. justin en jasmyn Villegas was gesien saam sit by die KCA se en het 'n diep gesprek backstage alleen.
41. mense eintlik mistaked Scooter se vriendin vir Justins vriendin soos hulle was gesien by die Black Eyed Peas konsert
42. Justins fiets is pers.
43. Justin het groot geword, hy is nou 5'5:)
44. tayor vinnige is beskermende oor justin.
45. Justin omgee vir al sy ondersteuners, selfs sy jonger mense
46. Justins groot glimlag beteken dat hy 'n goeie tyd se gesien en is gemaklik met die mense rondom hom.
47. Justins toe mond grin beteken dat hy probeer om mooi te wees vir mense rondom hom, maar hy het 'n baie op sy kop.
48. wanneer justin het 'n halwe glimlag, dit beteken dat hy wil kry om te weet jy beter.
49. Selena het 'n drukgang op justin. justin dink sy is oulik, maar dit is net goeie vriende.
50. justin lief vir die reuk van pizza, dit is waarom hy ruik dit voordat dit eet.


1.justinはかつてファンを"あなたのセクシーな"と語った。 、ファンが幸せと叫んだほぼ気絶
12。十代の少年は、実際にBieberさんの髪型を取得するために$ 150に、たくさんのお金を払っている。
24。 justinの利益11000信者一日の平均値を計算します。毎秒約2-4信者。
38。 :ジャスティンは別の女の子の束を満たすことによって、彼の夏のツアー中に'を'満たすと考えている。
44。 tayorは迅速ジャスティン上に保護されます。


1.justin once told a fan “your sexy”. then the fan then happy cried and nearly fainted
2.justin has over 30 hats.
3. justin comes off strong and confident around girls, but inside he his nervous and shy
4. justin said if he could be any animal, he would be a Liger
5. justin thinks that a true man would show the girl that he loved EVERY day, not just on Valentines day.
6. justins hat size is a 7 and a quarter.
7. justin blushes when a cute girl smiles at him.
8. justin does believe in long-lasting relationships, but not long-distance.
9. justin said “I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow ith me”
10.justin dedicated “stuck in the moment” to a fan.
11. when people ask justin how he broke up foot, justin says he was on a safari in africa and an orangutan attacked him.
12. teenage boys are actually paying a lot of money, up to $150, to get bieber’s hairstyle.
13. justin loves Easter because he can spend some time with his family.
14. Justin got paid $400,000 for his first album.
15. once justin was at the dentist and the dentist sneezed, so justin bit his hand.
16. justin has to shave his armpits, his mom makes him.
17. when justin tweets from EchoFon, he’s on his iPhone.
18. when justin tweets from UberTwitter, he’s on his Blackberry.
19. justin hired a personal trainer to help justin bulk his body.
20. justin recently gave the first pitch at the White Sox game.
21. justin claims he’s a good guy and reaches out to his fans as much as possible.
22. when justin says something stupid, his friends slap him in the back of the head. it helps him realize he’s still normal.
23. justin is still good friends with the girl he danced with and kissed in the Bahama’s.
24. justin gains an average of 11,000 followers a day. about 2-4 followers per second.
25. Justins mom said that justin was a screaming and wild baby.
26. justin loves reminding his fans how much they mean to him and how special they truly are.
27. justin gets carsick when he’s in the car for a long time.
28. justin listens to all of his music on his albums to remind himself of how far he has come.
29.justins my world album went platinum only 3 months after it was released.
30. justin took his first crush to a jewelry store.
31. justin hates eggs.
32. justin likes girls with dark hair and dark eyes.
33. justin also has replied ‘DAMN STRAIGHT’ when someone tweeted him about his fans being amazing and the most supportive.
34. justin once said ‘HOLY CRAAAP!’ about him being a TT for the first time.
35. justin hasn’t taken any singing lessons before his fame, but now he has to, so he can get better at singing
36. justin wishes there was a ‘follow all’ button so he could follow all of his fans.
37. Justin likes girls who are confident about their looks and body and don’t care what anyone else thinks.
38. : justin hopes to meet ‘the one’ during his summer tour by meeting a bunch of different girls.
39. for People Magazine, justin was named one of the worlds most beautiful people.
40. justin and jasmine villegas were seen sitting together at the KCA’s and had a deep conversation backstage alone.
41. people actually mistaked Scooter’s girlfriend for justins girlfriend as they were seen at the Black Eyed Peas concert
42. justins bike is purple.
43. Justin grew, he is now 5’5 :)
44. tayor swift is protective over justin.
45. Justin cares for all of his fans, even his younger ones
46. justins big smile means he’s having a good time and is comfortable with the people around him.
47. justins closed mouth grin means that he’s trying to be nice to people around him, although he has alot on his mind.
48. when justin has a half smile, it means he wants to get to know you better.
49. selena has a crush on justin. justin thinks she’s cute, but they’re just good friends.
50. justin loves the smell of pizza, thats why he smells it before eating it.